Who We Are

Who We Are: Embracing Faith, Community, and Service in Rockledge, PA

In 1893, Robert Ryerss, an owner of a shipping company and a member of Trinity Church Oxford, saw a need for a new church close to his summer home in Burholme. No churches were in the Fox Chase Rockledge area, and a mission of Trinity was established. Rockledge was a stop-over point between Philadelphia and New Hope, and a toll road started here at Central Ave. (Huntingdon Turnpike). This was the way folks traveled to New York. After Mr. Ryers's death, Mrs. Ryerss wanted to build a memorial to her husband.

They had visited and liked St. Mary's Cathedral in St Neot's Huntingdonshire, England. The architects fashioned plans for a scaled-down version to be built in Rockledge. The original church (now the parish house) was on the front of the property and either needed to be moved or razed so the new building could be placed in a more prominent position. It was lifted up, placed on greased timbers, and pulled to its new position by mules in 1897. The new building was dedicated in 1898.

Clergy & Staff

Father John Daniels


John Daniels — Rockledge, PA — Holy Nativity Episcopal Church

Dear Holy Nativity,

Thank you for the warm welcome as your new Priest-In-Charge! Together we have persevered through the beginning of my ministry here at Holy Nativity, and I want to assure you that I believe our future together is bright.

I want you to know that this parish has found a home in my heart. You have generously persevered through my technical challenges with patience and kindness. Yet, in spite of my shortcomings, I feel that there have been many moments of joy in our collective ministry, including heartfelt one-on-one conversations and joyful and meaningful worship experiences.

During these early stages of my ministry, a Holy Nativity parishioner asked me, "So, what does leadership look like for you here?" It's an excellent question! A clergy mentor once offered me a phrase for thinking about the phases of beginning as a parish priest: Learn, Love, and Lead. For these first few months, I want you to know that I will be fully focused on learning about this parish – the skills, gifts, and callings of individuals, as well as the history and identity of the parish.

Out of these exchanges, I hope that the trust and love necessary for discerning together will answer the question, "Who are we right now?", "Who is our neighbor now? And "What difference do we believe God is calling us to make right now."

A final factor influencing my leadership at Holy Nativity is my call to be the Priest-in-Charge. A rector serves a parish for an indefinite amount of time. As Priest-in-Charge, I am being called to serve this parish for two years. I believe that during this period, my role is to help you examine your history and spiritual identity, enable new leadership, connect with the diocese, and prepare the parish to call a rector.

A colleague recently recommended an article titled "Transition is the New Normal." This title rings true for me as we begin our journey together. What will guide us through this transition? Is it our baptismal vows? A parish mission statement? Prayer? Service? Right now, I'm finding motivation in the vibrancy of this congregation, which includes a plethora of living saints who embody the spirit and vibrancy of Holy Nativity. 

Learn, love, and lead is the all-purpose guide for clergy entering ministry in a new parish. Along with worship, I will be spending my time learning how the Holy Nativity functions, from the upcoming Blessing of the Animals service, Spaghetti Dinner, and Trunk or Treat to the Christmas bazaar and the many other rituals and traditions of Holy Nativity. I appreciate your patience and grace during my learning process.

My wife, Lori, and our four adult children, Marquis, Alexandra (Alex), John Derek (JD), and Abigail (Abby), look forward to meeting you. 

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the warm welcome.

Yours in Christ,

The Reverend John D. Daniels (Priest in Charge)

Contact Father John

Irina Bakis

Minister of Music

Irina Bakis — Rockledge, PA — Holy Nativity Episcopal Church

Irina has been the Music Minister at Holy Nativity since 2016. "It's truly amazing to have people of different backgrounds, ages, and training come together to sing, creating something so beautiful, spiritual, and inspiring!" She is also an accompanist at Keystone State Boys' choir, Find Your Instrument! Choirs, Sister Cities girls' choir, a piano teacher, and performs regularly throughout the city.

She completed her master's degree in Piano Performance and Teaching at Prokofiev Conservatoire in Donetsk, Ukraine. While Irina is a very busy musician, she also makes art in her spare time. She holds a BA from Pratt Institute, NY, and her selected works have been exhibited in NYC and local galleries, with solo shows at the Ukrainian Institute in New York.

Contact Irina

Reverend Jeannie Sachs


Reverend Jeannie Sachs — Rockledge, PA — Holy Nativity Episcopal Church

I am delighted to join the Holy Nativity community in December 2023. My ministries include “Bright Lights,” a hat and glove knitting ministry, and an art quilt ministry to tell the stories of those who have lost their voices or have no voice in our world. My day job is as a professional garden designer at Gasper Home and Garden Showplace, where I get to be a “garden evangelist.”

Contact Deacon Jeannie at greenjeangardens@me.com

The Vestry of Holy Nativity Episcopal Church

(Vestry members may serve two consecutive terms of three years and then must step down for at least one year. The number in parentheses represents the term being served.)

Class of 2023

John Stevenson III

Janet Geissler (1)

Cathy Tacchino (2)

Class of 2024

Christina McDuell (1)

Isa Kennedy (1)

Class of 2025

Ed Siegler (2)

Vestry-Members (Leadership Team)

Edward Siegler, Rector's Warden
Roger Scheuer, Property Warden
Christy McDuell, Secretary
Janet Geissler, Vestry
John Stevenson, Vestry
Don Rose, Jr. Vestry
Fr. John Daniels, Priest-in-Charge

On-Site Maintenance and Security

Should anyone notice anything that needs repair or is out of the ordinary, please notify the church immediately by email at mail@holynativityrockledge.org or at (215) 663-9903

For after-hours campus needs or emergencies, please contact Roger from BuxMont Exteriors at (267) 342-6335.

Whether you're a longtime member or a first-time visitor, Holy Nativity welcomes you with open arms. Explore our vibrant community, participate in our Sunday worship, and discover the joy of serving alongside fellow believers. Visit us at 205 Huntingdon Pike, Rockledge, PA 19046.

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